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Potential side effects of MCT oil and how to deal with them?

MCT oil belongs to a group of dietary supplements that can be taken daily. However, this may be associated with side effects. Which ones and how can they be avoided? We have prepared the answer below.

Potential side effects of using MCT oil

MCT oil supplementation can cause a number of adverse reactions in the body, including from the gastrointestinal tract. Among the most common symptoms are:

  • abdominal pain,
  • diarrhoea
  • flatulence,
  • nausea.

These are usually related to hypersensitivity to any component of the supplement, but not exclusively. Side effects of MCT oil also occur when a dose higher than the recommended one or more than 100 ml is taken (even in a single dose), without the body being prepared first.

If gastrointestinal complaints occur, the daily MCT dose should be reduced and gradually increased once the complaints have subsided [1].

Why should MCT oil adaptation and dosage be followed?

MCT oil is one of the more current nutritional and health trends: it has proven beneficial effects on brain and gut function. Studies indicate that regular intake of C8 or C8 MCT oil with C10 can, among other things, improve mental clarity, lower cholesterol and support ongoing weight management. MCT fatty acids are a source of instant energy for the brain. Interestingly, a study lasting more than a year was conducted that showed a correlation between MCT oil supplementation and improved cognitive abilities in people struggling with Alzheimer’s disease. MCT fatty acids can also protect the heart: they have been proven to exhibit strong anti-inflammatory properties and markedly improve fat metabolism.

How to avoid the side effects of MCT oil?

The potential of MCT fatty acids is enormous, hence MCT oil supplementation is not just a temporary health trend. If you do not find any contraindications to taking the supplement, see how to prevent side effects or minimise and, consequently, reduce possible adverse reactions of the body. [2]

Contraindications to MCT oil supplementation

MCT oil can cause side effects when specific contraindications to its supplementation are identified. In order to safely enrich the diet with valuable fatty acids, it is necessary to exclude possible factors that prevent its intake. The most common are: allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the supplement’s ingredients and previous problems with the digestive system. If you are in doubt as to whether best MCT oil in UK powder or our in any other form is right for you, consult your doctor, or a specialist.

What type of MCT oil will be best for the body’s adaptations?

The side effects of our MCT supplementation can be minimised by adapting the body appropriately. If you have not taken MCT oil before, start with the minimum dose, i.e. 5 ml (1 teaspoon) per day. Which type of MCT oil you start with also matters, ideally if you start with a mixture in C8 and C10, the latter being much gentler on the digestive system. Increase the frequency (up to a maximum of four doses per day, initially 5 ml each), while watching your body’s reactions. If side effects appear, such as bloating, abdominal pain, cramps or stomach complaints (mainly diarrhoea), among others, reduce the dose immediately.

Benefits of MCT oil

MCT oil, available in various forms, has versatile uses. In reduction and ketogenic diets, it supports adaptation to ketosis, stabilises blood sugar levels and prevents energy drops. It is particularly beneficial for physically active people, providing sustained energy during training, conserving muscle glycogen and improving performance. Due to its rapid transport into the mitochondria, MCTs use energy efficiently and economically. In clinical medicine, MCT oil is used in the treatment of diseases with malabsorption, celiac disease, epilepsy and others. It improves digestive function, cognitive function, and has bactericidal and fungicidal effects. Regular use of MCT oil can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). MCT acids also contribute to weight loss by reducing cravings and increasing calorie burning, which supports weight loss. In addition, one of the benefits of MCT oil is that it improves cognitive abilities, which is important especially for memory disorders and Alzheimer’s disease.




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